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Fit Sport Austria

Acitivity Square Europe - To Move 80 Million Children

Zwischen Jänner 2016 und Juni 2018 konnte die Fit Sport Austria im Rahmen eines EU-geförderten Erasmus Sport+ Projekts einen Informations- und Entwicklungsaustausch zwischen 13 Partnern aus neun Nationen im Kooperationsbereich von Bildungseinrichtungen und Sportvereinen umsetzen. Neben dem wichtigen Aspekt des Erfahrungsaustausches waren es vor allem auch gemeinsame Entwicklungen, die das Projekt auszeichneten. So wurden neben der Auslobung von Best practice Modellen zum Beispiel auch Benchmarks für Projekte in diesem wichtigen Gesellschaftsbereich oder auch das nachstehende Erklärvideo gemeinsam erarbeitet.


School Sport Cooperation on European Level

From January 2016 to June 2018 the Erasmus+ project "Activity Square Europe" supported an information exchange between project coordinators of EU member states who are working in the field of school and sport sector cooperation. Fit Sport Austria had the lead of this project and 13 organisations from 9 different countries participated. One of the project's objectives was to build a benchmark tool for people who are working in this field. This benchmark tool is ready to fill out at this website.

If you have questions related to "Activity Square Europe" project or the benchmark tool, please feel free to contact Fit Sport Austria!


Phone: +43/1/504 79 66

Check your project with the benchmark tool

You want to start a project in the field of school and sport sector cooperation or you're currently leading an existing one? Great! Then this benchmark tool allows you to asses your own programme or project against a set of defined indicators. Furthermore you have the opportunity to get advice from organisations which are already working in the field of school and sport sector cooperation. You ready? Let's start!






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